Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Launching A Successful Text Campaign

Launching a successful text campaign doesn't have to be a hair-pulling experience.  One thing you need to keep in mind is you must give subscribers a reason to Opt-in.  There are several different ways to achieve this.

One of the best ways to get people to opt-in is to offer them something for FREE, yes free.  The public LOVE free swag.  It doesn't matter what it is, an ice cream cone, appetizer or a chance to win a prize.  I know this option might not be feasible for some businesses, but I give you other ways to gain subscribers shortly.  Once you have decided what is is you can afford to give away, whether it is an item, product or service, simply post it everywhere.

Friend Request Please

Facebook and Twitter are great ways to reach out about your new Text Message offers.  When posting here the key is to post often, as posts tend to get buried in the News Feeds.  Every couple of days should do, just until your list starts to build and it will. Can you say viral.

Flyer, Flyer on the Wall

Post flyers in your place of business, neighboring businesses, events, pretty much anywhere you can or feel comfortable posting.  This can be simple flyers with your business, what it is subscribers are opting-in for, the amount of messages they can expect to receive each month.  The rest they will receive on the auto-responder message when they opt-in.  Drop a QR Code on the flyer is also great.

Hello! Can You Hear Me?

If your a business that has lots of phone numbers, maybe a Voice Broadcast is a better option.  A voice broadcast allows you to record a message about your "NEW" text messaging program and send it to every phone number simultaneously.  This is a fast and affordable option to spread the word.

Off to the Presses

Print is still always an option for now.  If your using print ads, its nothing really extra to ad a line to your current ad.  This will also tell you is anyone is even reading your ad.  You are completing your own market research.  Print is slowing dying, but this can help with moving you marketing to mobile.  Now if you are getting a ton of opt-ins from this, then by all means keep using print.  Just be warned you might not like the outcome of this test.  You might see you have been wasting a lot of your money.

Having a FUN-Raising

A fun way to gain subscribers is to launch a fundraiser, not for you silly, but with an organization that needs to raise some scratch.  Little League, shelters, non-profits, anyone who is looking for donations. Check out our blog on Text Marketing Uses for more specifics. 

Hit the Streets 

Sign spinners are becoming more popular with businesses to attract customers.  This is driven usually by local city ordinances banning lawn signs on the street.  This is a unique and flashy way to promote your new campaign.  The more outlandish, crazy and eye-catching your sign spinner is, the more likely people will want to check out his sign.  These crazy individuals will be the talk of the town and so will your business' text messaging campaign. 

Get the Point. 

Point of Sale transactions are yet another way to spread the word.  Adding a simple line to the receipt and definitely mentioning it to the customer makes all the difference.  If your not putting
it directly in their face, they won't know about your great offers.

Shuffling Cards 

Business cards float around like leaves in a fall breeze.  If people usually want your info, they ask for your card.  Tag this with your keyword and short code.  While your at it slap a QR Code there.  Link it to your Facebook, Twitter, Website/Mobile Website or anything your little heart desires.

Teaming Up!  

Businesses that work together, succeed together.  This is never more true in this economy.  Working with your neighbor next door or across town, is the only way to double your exposure.  Compliment your business with another.  A Hair Salon works prefect with a Tanning Salon, no competition.  A Quick Oil Change might recommend that great Car Wash down the street.  If you don't know or have a business that would be willing to work together with you, stop in and tell them what you are doing.  I'm sure nobody would say no to doubling their business exposure and potential money.

Turn Up the Radio

This might be an expensive avenue to venture down, but it might prove to be a helpful one.  This isn't a way I would recommend most small businesses to take, as is the most out of pocket.  I just want to put out all the ways you can reach customers.  It is proven that repeat customers will generate more revenue by spending an extra few dollars than trying to earn a "new" customer.

Lights, Camera, Action!

TV ads rank even higher on the cost spectrum.  They fall pretty much in line with the same scenario as radio.  Its like casting your line into the water and hoping that the big one will bite.  High risk, but if you budget allows it could take you text message campaign to the next level.

These are some of the ways you can get the word out.  Remember just as your business needed and needs a lot of work, prepping an initial campaign launch is no exception.  If you put in effort they will be greatly rewarded.  This might be a challenge for some small business' and that's where we can help.  Link Up Mobile Solutions will handle everything for you so that you can do what you do best, run your business.  

If this was helpful, please comment below.

Many Thanks,

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